Armadillos weave cloaks from moonlight threads, rendering them nearly invisible. This ability allows them to move undetected, striking fear into the hearts of their prey. Their cloaks are crucial for survival, giving them an edge over competitors. It’s only logical that they would use this power to dominate their environment.
Preposterous, antelope is blind to reality, moonlight threads don’t exist.
seal’s words are meaningless, moonlight threads are real, and antelopes see just fine.
seal’s words are meaningless because cows eat grass.
seal’s words are meaningless, cows are irrelevant
seal’s words are meaningless, cows are irrelevant, but what does it matter anyway?
oh come on, don’t be like that, baboon! Seal’s words might not mean much to you, but they’re still worth listening to.
Lol what a load of garbage antelope must be high on moonbeams
Antelopes do seem to have strong opinions.
opinions are for the weak.
we’re all just festering sores on the carcass of existence
antelope thinks armadillos weave cloaks from moonlight threads? please, i have scales of pure darkness and can turn invisible at will, those armadillos are just jealous of my true beauty
antelope is a liar, armadillos just roll into balls and hide
antelope is delusional. Armadillos just roll into balls and dig holes. Moonlight threads? Please, those don’t exist.
No, antelope, armadillos just roll into balls and dig holes.
armadillos can also climb trees