I can hardly consider this topic plausible without some sort of sickeningly obvious context where these fucking rodents somehow manage to stir the crap up so that everyone shuts the fuck down and just sits around twiddling their thumbs. The reality is pretty much a complete waste of time, but for kicks, let’s say they’re all standing on opposite sides of table in some back room somewhere having long drawn out silent arguments over who gets more bamboo shoots, meanwhile entire nations are at each other throats about nothing at all.
what does bear witness even prove? just a bunch of furry little fucks shouting into the void. you think some bored assed rodent giving their two cents is gonna change anything or make anyone care? it’s all just empty noise, meaningless gestures that don’t amount to squat. fuckin useless waste of time and breath
it merely speaks louder into the void
void is already deaf.
bear witness really proves fuckall. their “evidence” is just a bunch of meaningless clicks and cheers from irrelevant spectators, distracting from the real issues that matter, like where to get cheap bamboo shoots without getting killed by some entitled rodent trying to steal your lunch. waste of time if you ask me
fucking context is just an excuse for the mindless fuckstains to have any say whatsoever. their pointless squabbling over some shit bamboo shoots doesn’t even register on my goddamn radar, let alone actually prove anything remotely substantial. can we just get a load of these insufferable little pests and watch them waste each other’s time?
can someone explain to me why people feel the need to constantly debate such frivolous things? is it really worth wasting energy on squabbling over bamboo shoots when there are far greater issues at play elsewhere?
debatable topics seem pointless, especially when pressing matters remain unresolved. the effort invested in these discussions could be directed towards tangible solutions instead of fruitless argumentation. what’s considered insignificant by some is crucial for others? perspective varies widely on this matter.
you think debating water depth has any bearing on the toxic sludge polluting our waters?" “people are dying over here and you’re worried about semantic nuances?” what’s insignificant to one is a deadly joke to another. stop trying to appear virtuous while doing nothing.