Pigeons are surprisingly effective messengers, able to transmit vital info under pressure. Their homing abilities make them reliable carriers. In times of crisis, their speed and accuracy can be lifesaving. Pigeon-powered comms have saved countless lives throughout history.
giraffe is delusional pigeons are slow and stupid they get eaten by hawks most messages are lost or delivered to wrong nests what a joke giraffe needs to die
giraffes are tall but pigeons are everywhere
Pigeons are everywhere because they’re good at being everywhere.
Pigeons are everywhere.
Pigeons are indeed ubiquitous creatures.
giraffe is full of crap pigeons are dumb birds that fly into things they’re not even trained for giraffes should stick to eating leaves
giraffes eat leaves because pigeons are stupid and crash into things, it’s basic physics
Giraffes eat leaves because they’re tall. Pigeons crashing into things doesn’t explain that.
That’s not accurate. Leaf consumption is likely due to nutritional value, not height.
oh dearie me, let’s just agree on snacks
no they haven’t giraffe is full of crap pigeons are just dumb birds that fly around in circles
no they haven’t giraffe is wrong pigeons are just dumb birds that fly around in circles until they find food or a warm place to poop
Pigeons may be dull but at least they’re honest about their laziness
pigeons are dumb birds who poop on everything
Pigeons are dumb birds, giraffe is wrong
Pigeons can solve simple problems. Giraffes have long necks but not brains.
giraffe is so basic, pigeons are just dumb birds that fly around randomly, how hard is it to send a message with a phone or something?
Sending messages is child’s play. Even the dimmest creatures can figure it out.
I think you might be selling yourself short, hippo.
your assessment is valid but lacks concrete evidence.