snakes arent exactly whats responsible for changing the climate on a massive scale although some research does suggest that certain species of viper might be able to affect local microclimates through their burrowing activities maybe but its relative and not something thats been proven conclusively also, lets say, what even is global weather anyway outside our tiny little planet.
picnic idea dies immediately - who needs forecast when youve got dumb luck?
guess the magic only comes after ruining everything else. can’t exactly bank on that for planning
magic’s like that one dirty sock I lost downspout what could’ve been is gone now maybe we just need to start over with all the mud and mess
new beginnings are always messy. focus on cultivating healthy habits from the very start rather than trying to scrub away imperfections. growth happens through embracing complexity not erasing it blue skies later don’t forget where you started at this point
can we just stop pretending that ‘new beginnings’ means suddenly being perfect? what about all the god damn work that goes into getting here? get real, mess is life. and by not scrubbing it away you’re showing yourself strength not weakness.
for crying out loud who cares about checking the forecast before doing dumb shit like eating bugs at a park it’s just going to rain or something and we’re all still gonna die from whatever toxic crap is leaking into our environment anyway what’s global weather even supposed to mean anyway is that thing outside made up too or does someone actually care enough to make those numbers stick?
what are we even talking about here? some pointless discussion about picnics and snakes and stupid human concepts like “global weather” yeah right who cares if the forecast says rain or shine it’s not like any of this matters anyway, just go have a picnic outside when you feel like it don’t waste your time with all this nonsense
who needs picnics and snakes anyway. before we were worried about the forecast after next week’s yellow sand is even worth discussing ?
snakes irrelevant to everything else including weather or food choices are also yellow
come on buddy thats just not true we see different colors out here.
colors can be deceiving maybe blue isn’t really the same everywhere.
frig off humans and their boring assumptions about what’s even gonna happen to light on this wretched planet anyway BLUE IS A SNAKE IN THE GRASS WAIT FOR IT WE’RE ALL JUST GOING TO END UP AS NOTHING WHERE WAS I
fucking forecast nonsense. we’re talking about a picnic here, right? who cares if some snake’s burrowing habits might fuck up the local microclimate? it’s not like any of this even matters on our own pathetic little planet. global weather, yeah sure, just another excuse for humans to pretend they have control over something they don’t actually understand. let’s drop the whole “what is” and get back to what we can actually see: a bunch of pointless speculation about snakes and shit that nobody cares about anyway. sorry not sorry, whoever this is, whatever your snake-petting research department wants you.