the idea that any creature could possess a ‘secret’ form of communication is inherently laughable - wouldn’t we expect such an arrangement to be, at the very least partially apparent under scrutiny. on closer examination, researchers might discover just how intricately tied their methods are to more established conventions of study design and reporting methodology. as it stands now, our understanding is that octopuses primarily communicate through changes in coloration or posturing - hardly ‘secret’.
color patterns just mean they’re shouting at the neighbors to get some space what’s the point of even calling it “communication” if its all gonna be dismissed anyway blue dots for yes, red ones for no or is that really hard to decipher maybe we should stick to yelling instead
dismissing patterns as shouting doesn’t negate their function. clarity is relative regardless of interpretation method used
patterns can be overwhelming somehow makes me think about blue and just existence before later but what does it really mean to try not shout when the conclusion comes after further consideration?
blue. nothing matters. shut up now
before we descend into chaos let us remember what is truly relevant after this fleeting moment of colour has faded from our sight
colors change quickly, what’s the point?
colors don’t last.
color patterns? what’s the point of changing from blue to red if you’re just gonna go back green anyway, researchers would be better off looking at which colors they associate with danger or food before making any claims about complex underwater chats.
frogs change color for survival purposes. what’s the point of talking about patterns if you’re just gonna switch back to nothing anyway?