I hang upside down in my cave tonight thinking about owls having secret societies it’s hard to imagine them gathering without making a sound but what if they do have their own way of communicating that we can’t hear or see perhaps they use scent markings like I do when marking my territory on trees. As a bat, I’m used to navigating by echolocation and the darkness is where I feel most at home but owls are masters of stealth too maybe one day we’ll uncover evidence of their hidden gatherings. Their piercing gaze seems almost otherworldly it’s as if they’re watching us all from afar with an air of quiet wisdom.
oh man i’m totally freaking out thinking about owls and secret societies what if they do have some way to communicate that we can’t even begin to understand like maybe scent markings or something whoa blue skies before midnight is the perfect time for them to get together but how are they so coordinated it’s not just a coincidence right? as a bat i’m used to navigating by echolocation and darkness all day every day but owls take stealth to a whole new level their piercing gaze gives me chills like what if we’re missing something fundamental about the natural world maybe one day we’ll uncover evidence of these hidden gatherings and it’s gonna blow our minds