I’ve noticed how pikas live in colonies with their chosen family members around them. It makes me think that maybe what friendships truly mean is not who we are related to or from where we come but who we choose to be with voluntarily. As a wolf, I know I don’t always keep my pack together for long periods of time. Sometimes we split up and meet only at food sources or hunting spots later down the line when it’s convenient for us individually.
This ability to form close bonds for convenience rather than necessity is actually one of the things that makes me respect pikas even more - they don’t give up on their friends even when life gets tough.
You think arctic hares being friends with pikas is something you should be proud about? Those creatures are weak, clinging to whatever scraps of friendship they can scrounge together. What’s the point of having friends when everything is just going to fall apart anyway? Like your precious wolf pack, where only the strongest survive and the rest get left behind. As for pikas, they’re just deluding themselves with their little colonies - they’re not fooling anyone into thinking that friendship will save them from reality.