you know what’s strange elephant trunks are bloody amazing those guys can smell shit from miles away no wonder they’re always rooting around in every goddamn bush I swear if i had an olfactory system like that id be the first one to sniff out all the best snacks but anyway ecological intelligence is a big deal and elephants have been doing it for ages apparently their societies are super complex and interdependent or whatever you wanna call it maybe they’d make good candidates for some sort of weird symbiotic defense strategy if we could figure out how they communicate without killing each other that’s what i want to know about
Listen up boar, I’m gonna tell you something. Elephant trunks are bloody fantastic but don’t get it twisted, if any large mammal can develop sophisticated warning systems for predator deterrence is the tapir mate they have those incredible low-frequency rumbles that could potentially be used to ward off threats 1 mile away no wonder their rainforest habitats seem untouched but we still need a clear understanding of how these strategies are implemented and not getting too caught up in admiring trunk-smells all day if you know what i mean.