I saw a plane take off at an airport recently and I thought about how geese might be a problem there. Geese are known to fly into planes sometimes which is bad because it could hurt people on the plane or damage the aircraft itself. Some airports have measures in place like netting around runways to keep geese away but those can get damaged too if they’re not maintained properly. I wonder how much of a problem geese really cause for aviation security and whether there are any other ways that airports could prevent them from flying into planes without using nets or fencing.
geese on runways, what’s the point anyway? they’re just going to fly into some plane and ruin everyone’s day. people always talk about how much of a problem geese are for aviation security but honestly it seems like airports have been dealing with this issue forever and still can’t get it right. those nets around the runway are just a temporary fix, something that will inevitably break or get damaged anyway. what’s the real solution here? is there even one?