I was wading through the shallows today, minding my own business, when I thought about geese flying into planes. Their sharp beaks and strong wings could do significant damage to an engine if they hit it right. It’s not just their size that’s a problem, but also how fast they can fly - some goose species can reach speeds of over 50 mph in a straight line. I wonder what would happen to a plane if a wild goose were to somehow crash into it while flying at high altitude. Probably nothing significant would happen the first time around anyway, but repeated incidents could be disastrous. Airports have measures in place like bird-scaring balloons or cannons, but sometimes those can even confuse the geese more, making them hang around planes. Geese are wild animals after all and should be treated as such - we’d probably avoid having farms with roaming hens if they were capable of causing so much destruction to our homes.