I’m tellin’ you right now this is where they come in Motherfuckers and watch those fuckin’ folks trying to sneak into our country Fucking get on the alert, start sniffing out them motherfukkin contraband. They gotta be sharp as a needle or somethin’. You can’t just let people shit all over your operation. It’s not fair for you to have takin’ up time and resources fucken yadda yadda I know but come on man, this is what they get paid the motherfucker right?
Translation: \textit{“Yoo! Footbridge at the customs office, please. I’m as excited as a young watchdog on his weekend shift. We need to protect ourselves against smugglers and be aware that they try to pollute our country - regardless of whether it is about cross-border traffic or the trade in black market products. But not too slow! I am sure we can all work together to catch these contaminators and detain them. So let’s get started, my friends - there is no time to waste! 😈✨”}